Analysis and Design of Earth Retaining Structures
After participating in this course, you will be able to:
- Use your acquired knowledge and skills gained in designing rigid retaining walls
- Implement requirements, procedures and techniques for safe, effective and efficient design of different retaining systems
- Practice design and construction of retaining structures
This course provides practical training on the design and construction of rigid retaining walls. This course will review the related soil mechanics knowledge and show how to apply soil mechanics concepts to retaining walls and slope stabilization. Design methods will be covered for different earth-supporting systems, including gravity walls, cantilever walls, and geosynthetic walls. The design examples are illustrated and will show you how to apply the theory in practice.
Course Outline
- Review of soil mechanics
- Site investigation process for retaining structures
- Lateral earth pressures
- Rigid retaining wall stability, capacity and settlement
- Slope stability analysis of retaining structures
Who Should Attend
Civil and Municipal Engineers • Project Engineers and Managers • Consultants • Designers • Operation and Maintenance Personnel • Developers • Planners
Course Rating
Overall rating of this course by its previous attendees!
Almost all of EPIC's courses offer :
- Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and
- Professional Development Hours (PDHs)
These course credits will help attendees earn training requirements for their associations or provincial governing bodies.