Course Catalogue.

Design and Analysis of Stormwater Management Ponds

14 Professional Development Hours

After participating in this course, you will be able to:

  • Understand the basics of stormwater management, pond design, application and types of storage facilities
  • Understand the limitations of the standard of practice and examine the state-of-the-art engineering
  • Apply basic hydrology and hydraulic principles to urban drainage design
  • Determine runoff (peak flows and volumes) from rural and urban watersheds
  • Gain a solid understanding of stormwater pond design principles and criteria
  • Learn to design and analyze stormwater ponds to meet given planning objectives

This workshop provides a detailed review of the complex stormwater management pond design procedures. By participating in this course, you will focus on the latest application of sound planning, design, construction and maintenance practices for stormwater management ponds.

The workshop will cover a review of the building blocks of a pond design, such as hydrology and hydraulic calculations that underlie a design. It will provide an overview of the current criteria required by approval agencies, a review of types of pond storage facilities, and a review of pond layout components, such as forebays, permanent and active storages, inlets, outlets, and spillways.

Course Outline

  • Overview of stormwater management
  • Hydrology refresher
  • Pond design criteria
  • Catchment and site characteristics
  • Overview of pond components
  • Pond analysis design
  • Operation, inspection and maintenance
  • Monitoring
  • Example of a step-by-step pond design
  • Review of computer model software
  • Case study Review

Who Should Attend
Those involved with the design, construction, operation, maintenance, or review of stormwater ponds, including:
Drainage Engineers • Municipal Engineers • Consultants • Technologists • Developers • Planners • Supervisors • Field and Technical personnel

Course Rating
4.5 out of 5

Overall rating of this course by its previous attendees!


This course is currently scheduled on the following date. Click to learn even more details about this offering.

Online, 4/7/2025


Almost all of EPIC's courses offer :

  • Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and
  • Professional Development Hours (PDHs)

These course credits will help attendees earn training requirements for their associations or provincial governing bodies.

This course can be customized and delivered to a group at your facility saving time and money.
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