Light-Rail Transit Planning and Operations for Transportation Professionals
After participating in this course, you will be able to:
- Use in master planning and policy formation your insight into LRT system development.
- Apply transit planning and conceptual design considerations by using relevant industry guidelines, manuals, relevant software basics and recommended documents.
- Apply your knowledge of environmental and planning approvals processes for transit projects
- Use your familiarity with the land use planning framework, including Smart Growth and transit-oriented-development
- Be familiar with new innovative mobility systems, mobility-as-a-service and technologies while keeping LRT/transit as a core mobility service
Most transit professional skill development programs prepare individuals with updated analytical planning and engineering design skills for the job market in transit planning and policy development within the private and public sectors. This course focuses on developing light-rail projects that come from the recommendations of transportation master plans, multimodal and innovative mobile applications for LRT system planning, LRT operational planning, and essential elements of transit planning and operations.
Transit planning-oriented topics include Smart Growth Planning/ Multimodal Development Principles, Innovative technologies and the role of new mobility modes, including Transportation Demand Management (TDM) measures, Transit, Environmental Assessment approvals, Public Involvement, urban design perspectives, designing Community Visioning Workshops, Ontario Planning Act and the Provincial Growth Plan (2017) and Policy Statement (2014), Official Plan and Zoning requirements for LRT, Land Use Character Typologies, transit manuals/guidelines and Mobility Hub planning considerations.
Course Outline
- Land-Use and transit planning basics
- International trends in the evolution of light rail transit
- Multimodal and innovative mobility access to LRT systems
- LRT fundamentals and basic systems
- Comparison of LRT with other modes
- LRT system planning, station/-right-of-way design and related activities
- General planning considerations for LRT operations
- The effects of rapid transit on patronage and activities
- LRT vehicle and overall operational considerations
- Light Rail Vehicles (LRVs) and operations
- Fundamentals of transit cost and funding
- Project experience
Who Should Attend
Business Development and Sales Analyst • Intelligent Transport System (ITS) Analyst • General Planning Data Analyst • Railroad, Traffic and Transportation Engineers • Administration and Management Coordinators • Signal Designer/ Technologists • Simulation Specialists• Schedulers, Route Designers/ Analysts • Environment Analysts • Operation Specialists and Technologists • Modeling Analysts, Planners, Policy Makers / Analysts• Safety Specialists • GIS/GPS Applications Analysts • Financial and Economic Analysts • System Surveyors • Construction Inspectors.
Course Rating
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Almost all of EPIC's courses offer :
- Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and
- Professional Development Hours (PDHs)
These course credits will help attendees earn training requirements for their associations or provincial governing bodies.