Ontario Fire Code - Fire Safety Inspections
After participating in this course, you will be able to:
- develop an understanding of the Fire Protection and Prevention Act Legislation and the current Ontario Fire Code Compendium that govern the fire and life safety of buildings and its occupants
- recognize the different parts of the Fire Code and Referenced Standards that relate to fire safety inspections
- discover the different types of inspections conducted by Fire Departments and the tools and equipment required to perform them
- recognize how to conduct comprehensive fire safety inspections in a variety of occupancies by identifying types of fire code violations
- use common Fire Department forms to complete Inspection Reports/Orders for violations and how to enforce them in Provincial Courts.
The Provincial Legislation and Fire Code mandate are to ensure that there is a minimum level of fire and life safety for buildings and the occupants in them. The goal is to identify fire hazards so that a fire does not start. The consequences of a fire can result in injuries or death to the occupants; the loss of jobs and a negative economic business impact on the building owner.
An in-class exercise will provide the students with an opportunity to perform a Fire Code inspection and issue a Fire Safety Inspection Report/Order.
Who Should Attend
Commercial and Industrial Facility Managers • Engineers • Supervisors and superintendents • Plant operation and maintenance engineers • Technicians and Supervisors • Property Managers and Superintendents of Residential Buildings • Staff whose responsibilities include fire safety such as Joint Health and Safety Committee members and Insurance adjusters.
Course Rating
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Almost all of EPIC's courses offer :
- Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and
- Professional Development Hours (PDHs)
These course credits will help attendees earn training requirements for their associations or provincial governing bodies.