Traffic Calming: Designing for Safer Roads and Livable Places
After participating in this course, you will be able to:
- Provide an overview of holistic neighbourhood traffic planning and design, highlighting challenges, effectiveness, and success strategies
- Explain the most common principles and planning processes involved in implementing traffic calming measures
- Explore various design techniques and application processes for effective traffic-calming
- Analyze different tools and redesign components used in traffic planning, with a focus on program deployment and implementation
- Engage participants with in-class case studies and applications, including completing area plans and designing solutions for their local neighbourhoods
Traffic calming techniques use physical design and other measures to reduce the vehicle's negative impacts, such as reducing excessive traffic speed and cut-through volume, altering driver behaviour and improving overall safety benefits for non-motorists like pedestrians, micro-mobility users and cyclists on residential streets and community paces. This course covers methods and best traffic calming practices used by professional planners, engineers, and consultants/researchers. A key objective of this course is to help you become better at planning and designing traffic calming measures using industry standards and guidelines.
The intended audience is anyone responsible for receiving complaints or inquiries about speeding and cut-through traffic issues and developing plans for municipal projects as a consultant and practitioner. This includes engineers, public works superintendents, municipal managers, planners, etc. Law enforcement and elected officials may also benefit from this course.
Who Should Attend
Planners • Municipal Engineers • Law enforcement • Community leaders, decision-makers and politicians • Supervisors • Managers • Construction Managers • Educators • Students
Course Rating
Overall rating of this course by its previous attendees!
This course is currently scheduled on the following date. Click to learn even more details about this offering.
Almost all of EPIC's courses offer :
- Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and
- Professional Development Hours (PDHs)
These course credits will help attendees earn training requirements for their associations or provincial governing bodies.