Storage and Handling of Hazardous Materials

Online /
Jun 10 - 11, 2025 /
Course Code: 16-0604-ONL25

The confirmation of this course depends on early registration; Register early to avoid the postponement or cancellation of a course.
  • Overview
  • Syllabus
  • Instructor


Please note, This instructor-led course has specific dates and times:
This course is held online over 2 days on the following schedule (All times in Eastern Time Zone):

9:30 am to 5:30 pm Eastern (Will include the usual breaks)

After participating in this course, you will be able to:

  • Identify and characterize hazardous materials and understand the regulatory framework for their management
  • Assess storage facilities, transfer systems, and process equipment to identify areas of material losses and exposures
  • Develop and plan assessment and upgrade methods for facilities and operations, acquiring practical methods to improve management and reduce risk
  • Discuss your storage and handling problems in this specialized field and benefit from others' experiences
  • Select specialized equipment and systems for your facility to increase safety

The storage and handling of hazardous materials requires compliance with a complex array of regulations and the use of specialized technical facilities, operations and equipment to ensure safe and proper management. The legislation ranges from the Transportation of Dangerous Goods to the Building Code, Fire Code and WHMIS, with additional international standards for voluntary compliance.

This seminar provides a practical overview and approach to assessing the properties of hazardous materials and defines the legislative framework surrounding the safe management of these materials. It also offers practical guidelines for identifying, isolating, and managing some of the risks associated with these materials and methods for evaluating facilities and specialized equipment necessary for the safe and effective storage and transfer of hazardous materials.

Who Should Attend
Material managers and Facility Operators Who Store or Handle Hazardous Materials • Chemical Laboratory Personnel From Industry and Educational Organizations • Environmental Scientists • Engineers and Architects Responsible for the Design of Facilities for Hazardous Materials Management • Personnel responsible for the planning of new facilities or the expansion of existing facilities involving hazardous materials • Personnel Responsible for Implementing Training Programs and Methods For Hazardous Materials, and Managers Wishing to Ensure Compliance With Applicable Legislation and a Reduction of Risk for Hazardous Materials Management.

Special Features & Requirements
It is a requirement that every student have a laptop or computer with a webcam activated for the duration of the course.

More Information

Time: 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM Eastern Time

Please note: You can check other time zones here.


Day I

Welcome, Introduction, Workshop Preview, Learning Outcomes and the Assessment Method


  • Objectives (self-audit, knowledge of legislation, identification of hazards and issues)
  • Includes most bulk and containerized storage
  • Includes most shipping, receiving, transfers from bulk, and “dispensing” but excludes “processing” (special/custom engineering)
  • The course recognizes that measures for risk reduction are mostly compliance driven

Classification and Identification of Hazardous Materials

  • Hazard characterization from a health and safety point of view: exposure assessment, toxicity assessment, risk characterization, uncertainty analyses
  • Hazard characterization from an ecology point of view: exposure assessment, toxicity assessment, risk characterization, uncertainty analyses
  • Transportation of Dangerous Goods Classification System (9 classes)
  • Properties-primary and secondary
  • Other systems- WHMIS/MSDS, interface, markings
  • Importance of workplace identification
  • Prioritizing

Overview of Legal Issues and H & S Legislation for Storage and Handling of Hazardous

  • Provincial OHS Acts and Canada Labour Code,
  • Role of Regulations, Codes and Standards
  • Update on Bill C-45 (Criminal Code amendments regarding OHS)
  • Due diligence
  • Enforcement and prosecutions
  • Proactive steps to take to protect yourselves and your organizations

Overview of Environmental Legislation for Storage and Handling of Hazardous Materials

  • Regulations under CEPA (Regulation of toxic substances, export and import, NPRI Reporting requirements, Environmental Emergencies, Conflict Minerals and other regulations), enforcement
  • Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (planning)
  • Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act (approvals, spills, hazardous/special waste, reporting)
  • Codes of practice

Special Legislation for Certain Dangerous Goods and Hazardous Materials

  • National/Provincial Building Code (Group F, Division1 occupancies)
  • Transportation of Dangerous Goods (receiving, training, placards)
  • National/Provincial Electrical Safety Code
  • National/Provincial Fire Codes (storage, containers, dispensing, processes)
  • Nuclear Safety and Control Act
  • Explosives Act
  • Provincial Fuels Regulations

Case Study/Workshop Session – Investigation / Prosecution

Building and Facility Features-Part A

  • Occupancy (zoning, classification, Group F, Division I requirements
  • Fire resistance rating (achieving ratings, types of construction)
  • Doors (overhead, self-closing, ratings)
  • Glazing (types, sizes)
  • Penetrations (seals, dampers)
  • Grading and drainage (objectives, requirements)

Building Features-Part B (Systems)

  • Ventilation (minimum requirements, isolation, establishing rates-ASHRAE, NIOSH, special equipment, spark prevention)
  • Fire protection systems (sprinkler types, ratings, density, and alternative methods)
  • Electrical systems (hazardous location electrical classification, approved equipment (CSA), bonding and grounding)

Auditing Facilities

  • Types of Audits
  • Environmental Audits and Management Systems (ISO 14000 Series)
  • Principles of environmental auditing, internal vs. external audits
  • Auditor qualifications, record reviews, interviews, inspections, reporting
  • Criteria/checklists / regulatory assertions
  • Audit teams (maximizing internal, how and when to use consultants)
  • Evidence
  • Procedures (documentation)
  • Field techniques
  • Dealing with the findings
  • Reporting

Hazard Data Management

  • Hazard identification- other methods (SDS, process reactions/by-products, combustion)
  • Risk Assessment/bow tie analysis (fault tree/event tree)
  • Off-site consequence analysis
  • Forward strategy - planning for upgrades (approvals, “grandfather” issues, costs, new construction vs. upgrade)

Day II


  • Design codes (API, ULC, CGSB, Other)
  • Tanks (ASME, vertical, horizontal, pressure, features, inspection, maintenance)
  • Semi-bulk (totes, super sacs, features, handling, storage, advantages/disadvantages)
  • Drums (materials of construction, approvals, new vs. refurbished, limitations)
  • Pails and small containers (palletization of containers, packaging)

Transfer and Equipment Handling

  • Racking systems (design and load, forklifts/lift trucks, fire protection)
  • Forklifts and dollies (design and load limitations, explosion ratings)
  • Pressure vessels/piping (approvals, inspection/marking operator requirements)
  • Powders (special equipment, dust collectors)
  • Exhaust Issues

Techniques for Safe Transfer

  • Isolation and lock-outs (pumps and liquid/vapour lines, augers and dry handling equipment)
  • Inventory (ullage verification, database)
  • Equipment checks
  • Load checks (hoists, dollies, forklifts)
  • Grounding and bonding
  • Documentation (records, training, ISO1400, ISO 18000)

Special Equipment and Systems-Part I

  • Manual and electronic gauges
  • Detectors (flame/fire, flammable vapour, toxic gas, operating methods, use, alarm)
  • Interlocks (use in NFPA 69, control reliability, CSA)
  • Spill Response Equipment (contents, materials, compatibility, capacity, backup placement)

Special Equipment and Systems-Part II

  • Personal protective equipment (routine vs. contingency requirement), “Levels” of protection (EPA/NFPA Level A, B, C, D)
  • Training requirements (clothing, respiratory, equipment)
  • Contingencies and emergencies (spills to air, water and soil, fire/explosion/reactions, terrorism, exposures, poisoning, rescue, confined space)
  • Contingency plans (requirements E2, responsible care, fire code)
  • Testing and verification
  • Emergency response contractors (use of contractors, the importance of contracts and verification review)

Case Study I -(audit, risk assessment and review of a hazardous materials storage facility)

Case Study II -(design of facilities, equipment and handling methods for a hypothetical new product)

Integrating the Issues 


Robert S. Wilson, P.Eng.

Robert is a graduate of the University of Toronto with a B.A.Sc in Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry. He has over thirty-five years of professional experience. He is currently the president of Stirling Engineering Inc., a firm specializing in compliance engineering and system design for hazardous materials and environmental contaminants. Prior to forming Stirling Engineering Inc. in 2003, Robert worked for several engineering, environmental, and management consulting firms.

Robert has provided technical services to more than 250 workplaces in Ontario and Alberta and has delivered training seminars across Canada. He is a member of the Professional Engineers Ontario and The Ontario Society for Professional Engineers, The National Fire Protection Association, and the Air and Waste Management Association.

The Engineering Institute of Canada

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4.1 out of 5

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Fee & Credits

$1295 + taxes

  • 1.4 Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
  • 14 Continuing Professional Development Hours (PDHs/CPDs)
  • ECAA Annual Professional Development Points

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