Stormwater Management - Design, Inspection and Operation/Maintenance of Stormwater Control Facilities
Dec 9 - 10, 2024
Course Code: 15-1213-ONL24
- Overview
- Syllabus
- Instructor
This course is held online over 2 days on the following schedule (All times in Eastern Time Zone):
10 am to 6 pm Eastern (Will include the usual breaks)
After participating in this course, you will be able to:
- Examine design applications for both new and existing stormwater management developments.
- Apply emerging techniques for controlling stormwater quantity, quality, and erosion.
- Adapt to evolving roles and responsibilities in stormwater management.
- Employ cost-effective methods for the operation and maintenance of stormwater facilities.
- Integrate design principles and inspection practices to ensure long-term efficiency and low maintenance costs of stormwater management systems.
The success of the long-term, cost-effective operation of a stormwater management facility depends on 1) appropriate design, 2) an efficient inspection program undertaken during the construction phase and 3) the adoption of well-organized operation and maintenance practices. This workshop describes all the above aspects of stormwater management by assisting the designer in producing a cost-effective design with low maintenance cost and long-term trouble-free operation.
Similarly, the workshop will assist those involved in the operation and maintenance program to understand the design principles and the required performance of the facility and to ensure that the BMP facilities are operating at their maximum efficiency over their useful life.
Who Should Attend
Municipal Engineers • Designers • Operation and Maintenance Staff • Developers • Planners • Consultants • Engineers • Other Technical Personnel Responsible For Drainage and Stormwater Management Facilities
Special Feature:
- The course includes a comprehensive list of reference material available on the internet from government and non-government organizations.
Required Resources:
- Laptop for software training with Microsoft Windows operating system and USB port.
- MS Excel spreadsheet, or equivalent, or standard engineering calculator with scientific functions
- Download and install the Environment Canada data sets, which will be sent to you prior
Time: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM Eastern Time
Please note: You can check other time zones here.
Day I
Welcome, Introduction, Workshop Preview, Learning Outcomes and the Assessment Method
Overview –The Big Picture - Why Do We Need Stormwater Management?
A Hydrology Refresher
- Rainfall analyses
- Time of concentration
- Rainfall losses
- Estimating flows using rational & hydrographs methods
- Estimating flows using recorded stream discharges
Effect of Urbanization on:
- surface runoff discharge, volume and water quality, groundwater quantity and quality, natural habitat, stream corridors
- Changes in stream temperatures
- Current issues in controlling stormwater quantity and quality
Protection of Receiving Water Courses
- Flood hazards, flood plain delineation, choice of flood plain criteria
- Aquatic habitat protection
- Erosion, meandering, morphology
Selection of Design Criteria
- Post and pre-development criteria
- Flood and floodplain
- Water quality
- Erosion control
- Major-minor system
- Water balance and recharge
- Effect of climate change
Alternative Best Management Practices
Review of Alternative Stormwater Water Management BMPs
- Source control
- Conveyance controls
- End-of-pipe controls
- Good Housekeeping and municipal practices
Special Cases: Redevelopment, Retrofits, and Infilling
- Stormwater management criteria and applicable practices
- Approach to retrofits and infilling
Day II
Design of Best Management Practices
Outline of Design of the More Frequently Used Best Management Practices
- Wet pond, Wetland
- Rain gardens, Grassed swale, Infiltration Systems
Overview of Most Frequently Used Hydrology and Hydraulic Computer Models
- Hydrology – single event, continuous simulation
- Model complexity of urban and river models
Inspection, Operation and Maintenance Practices
Operation and Maintenance
- Municipal input during reviews of designs
- Erosion and sediment control and inspection during construction
- Operation and maintenance tasks for facilities
- Objectives and preparation of a four-phase monitoring program
- Programs for monitoring flows, water quality, aquatic habitat,
- Parameters to be monitored, sampling, equipment
- Safety and public perception
Questions and Answers and Feedback to Participants on Achievement of Learning Outcomes
Nav Sandhu, P.Eng., is a Senior Water Resources Engineer with 20 years of experience.
He has extensive experience in stormwater management and drainage planning and design throughout Canada, ranging from servicing /planning studies to detailed design of complex systems. His stormwater infrastructure design experience includes storm sewer systems, culverts, above and below-ground detention and water quality facilities, diversion structures, control and outfall structures, infiltration systems, rip-rap protection works, and instream rehabilitation works. He’s also experienced in base-flow augmentation, source control/rainwater management and other LID systems-relatively new techniques that support sustainable design.
His stormwater engineering knowledge, municipal development, and highway experience make him an excellent resource for a range of clients. He has also provided expert opinions and reports on legal proceedings related to drainage throughout BC.
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Fee & Credits
$1295 + taxes
- 1.4 Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
- 14 Continuing Professional Development Hours (PDHs/CPDs)
- ECAA Annual Professional Development Points
Group Training
Canada Job Grant
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