Environmental Site Assessment and Remediation
Mar 19 - 21, 2025
Course Code: 15-0321-ONL25
- Overview
- Syllabus
- Instructor
This course is held online over 3 days on the following schedule (All times in Eastern Time Zone):
Day 1: 10:00 am to 6:00 pm Eastern (Will include the usual breaks)
Day 2: 10:00 am to 6:00 pm Eastern
Day 3: 10:00 am to 1:30 pm Eastern
After participating in this course, you will be able to:
- apply a relevant regulatory tiered structure for environmental site assessment and remediation
- devise soil and groundwater sampling and analysis plans as part of the site assessment
- build conceptual Site Models for site assessment and, environmental risk assessment and management
- understand the concept of modeling source-exposure-pathway concept and how to deal with uncertainties
- gain practical knowledge on conventional and innovative soil and groundwater remediation technologies and cleanup levels
The current land development trend requires a careful examination of contaminant levels in soil and groundwater, along with remedial actions in soil and groundwater remediation or risk management. Regulations require a phased assessment of the sites under development or land use change upon which remediation and risk management may be necessary. This requires knowledge of the regulatory system, processes and procedures and the scientific and technical aspects of developing an efficient remediation or risk management strategy, including but not limited to conceptual site models, soil and groundwater sampling, remediation technologies and environmental risk assessment approach.
Accordingly, remedial actions can be designed to meet regulatory cleanup levels.
This course will provide the participants with the essential knowledge on the phased structure of Environmental Site Assessment, followed by a characterization of contamination and associated environmental risks to achieve appropriate remediation design.
Who Should Attend
Environmental Engineers • Scientists • Consultants • Industrial Staff • Technicians and Technologists • Regulators Reviewing and Accepting Risk Assessment and Management Applied to the Contaminated Sites
Time: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM Eastern Time
Please note: You can check other time zones here.
- Overview of the regulatory framework
- Contaminants, their toxicity and subsurface behaviour
- Summary of Environmental Risk Assessment Framework
- Development of Conceptual Site Models (CSM)
- Remedial Actions
Contaminant Fate and Transport in Soil and Groundwater
- Physical, chemical and biological processes
- Transport mechanisms; advection, dispersion and reactions/decay
- Models for fate and transport of contaminants in soil and groundwater
Phase I Site Assessment
- Scoping
- Records review and data gathering
- Site visits and interviews
- Reporting
Phase II Site Assessment
- Scoping
- Conceptual Site Model
- Receptor and Exposure Evaluation
- Sampling and Analysis
Conceptual Site Models and Modeling
- Exposure pathways
- Key models and software
- Uncertainty Analysis
- Case example
Sampling and Analysis
- Planning for characterization of contamination level
- Soil sampling
- Groundwater Sampling
- Analysis
Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment
- Planning and Scoping Process for Site-Specific Risk Assessment (SSRA)
- Human Health Risk Characterization
- Tools and Models
- Problem Formulation for Ecological Risk Characterization
- Risk Communication and Management
- Decision on Cleanup Levels
In-situ Soil Remediation Technologies
- Bioventing
- Enhanced Bioremediation
- Phytoremediation
- Chemical oxidation
- Electrokinetic separation
- Soil flushing
- Soil vapour extraction
- Solidification/Stabilization
- In-situ thermal treatment
Ex-situ Soil Remediation Technologies
- Landfarming
- Soil Washing
- Solidification/Stabilization
- Thermal desorption
Groundwater Remediation Technologies
- Monitored Natural Attenuation
- Air sparging
- Air stripping
- Pump and Treat
Questions and Answers and Feedback to Participants on Achievement of Learning Outcomes
Edwin is a licensed Professional Engineer by Professional Engineers Ontario and is a sessional lecturer at the Physical and Environmental Sciences University of Toronto Scarborough. Edwin is the inventor of Grafta™, a first-of-its-kind unique nano-graphene-based adsorbent for environmental remediation and water and wastewater treatment. He is currently the Vice President of Technology of Grafta Nanotech Inc, where Grafta™ is being mass-produced and commercialized.
Edwin has over 20 years of experience in academia and consulting in Environmental Engineering and Assessment. He has a proven track record of working and managing various Environmental projects ranging from Environmental Site Assessment, Risk Assessment, Impact Assessment, Physical and Contaminant Hydrogeology, Waste Management Planning, Landfill Design, Leachate and Gas Management and Life Cycle Assessment. Edwin has been with EPIC for over nine years and has offered Environmental Assessment, Risk Assessment and Remediation courses in various provinces in Canada.
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Fee & Credits
$1995 + taxes
- 1.7 Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
- 17 Continuing Professional Development Hours (PDHs/CPDs)
- ECAA Annual Professional Development Points
Group Training
Canada Job Grant
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