After participating in this course, you will be able to:
- Recognize the four types of communication styles, how to collaborate and navigate conflict
- Extract value and talent from each communication style
- Communicate effectively with internal customers
- Re-acclimatize to communicating with internal customers in the office setting
- Understand and manage post-covid stress
We have lost a great deal of communication while working from home during COVID-19. As people start returning to work and leaving the comforts of their homes, it is necessary to get them re-acclimated to communicating with their internal customers. In this training, we will cover the four types of communication styles and extract their value.
- Understand the importance of effective communication in the workplace
- Recognize the four types of communication styles
- Learn how to extract value from each communication style
- Develop skills for communicating effectively with internal customers
- Re-acclimatize employees to communicating with their internal customers in the office setting
- The return-to-work stress people are feeling after returning to work
- A guide on the four types of communication styles and how to extract value from each one
- Interactive exercises and activities to practice recognizing and utilizing different communication styles
- Strategies and application of effective communication with internal customers
- A list of actionable steps for improving communication with internal and external customers in the office setting.
Course Rating
We currently do not have enough attendee responses to generate a rating for this course.
Almost all of EPIC's courses offer :
- Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and
- Professional Development Hours (PDHs)
These course credits will help attendees earn training requirements for their associations or provincial governing bodies.