Course Catalogue.

Pavement Preservation to Improve Performance and Reduce Life-Cycle Costs

1.5 Professional Development Hours

After participating in this course, you will be able to:

  • Identify and document the preventive maintenance process, including key components, funding needs, and budget preparation.
  • Plan, implement, and justify a preventive maintenance program using rational steps and cost-effective decision-making.
  • Evaluate and select appropriate pavement preservation treatments through decision trees, matrices, and lifecycle analysis.
  • Use systems to document the positive impact of sustainable preservation techniques and optimize pavement life.
  • Effectively communicate the benefits of structured pavement preservation to managers and elected officials.


The need to preserve our municipal pavement infrastructure is paramount to ensuring the viability of transportation of people and goods. This requires increased investments because of the increased size of the roadway network and increased commercial vehicle loading. We need new approaches to support our ability to maintain and improve the infrastructure effectively.

The pressure to preserve pavement infrastructure in the face of increased needs and to utilize new technologies and improved management procedures is greatest at the municipal level. Municipalities typically have limited taxation powers and often lack in-house specialized technical expertise.

Several agencies, including the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), have championed the use of preventive maintenance (PM) early in the life of a pavement, before any significant deterioration, as a cost-effective way to extend service life. In the FHWA publication, Pavement Preservation, A Road Map to the Future, PM is defined as “the planned strategy of cost-effective treatments to an existing roadway system and its appurtenances that preserves the system, retards future deterioration, and maintains or improves the functional condition of the system (without significantly increasing the structural capacity)”. FHWA adds that “PM is typically applied to pavements in good condition having significant remaining service life.

As a major component of pavement preservation, PM is a strategy of extending the service life by applying cost-effective treatments to the surface or near-surface of structurally sound pavements.”

Who Should Attend

  • Architects and engineers involved in pavement evaluation and management
  • Agencies and other owners of highway, municipal and private sector pavement infrastructure
  • State DOT and municipal agencies
  • Contractors interested in advancing pavement preservation technology
Course Rating
4.3 out of 5

Overall rating of this course by its previous attendees!


This course is currently scheduled on the following date. Click to learn even more details about this offering.

Online, 5/26/2025


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  • Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and
  • Professional Development Hours (PDHs)

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